Population Location, Age Structure and Gender Ratio

Comparing Countries

Comparing Age Structure


Argentina Australia

Under 15 yrs 24.9% 18.7%

15 - 65 yrs 64.5% 65.4%

65 yrs + 10.6% 15.9%

Argentina has a younger population than Australia with the population under 15 years 6.2% higher.

Compare these numbers to Niger in West Africa which has the youngest population in the World - half of the population is under 14!

And Japan, which has the oldest population in the World with 26% of people age 65 yrs+!


Ageing populations

In the last 30 years, Argentina has seen growth in the elderly population from less than 7% to almost 10% of the total population. In Buenos Aires, more than 17% are aged 65 or older.

Australia has also seen growth in the elderly population. Approximately 1 in 7 Australians are aged 65 years or over with this number predicted to continue to increase and reach 8.8 million by 2057!

Comparing Gender Ratios


Males: 48.9% of the total population

Females: 51.1% of the total population


Males: 49.8% of the total population

Females: 50.2% of the total population

Nepal (Highest rate of females in the World due to men emigrating in search of work)

Males: 45.81% of the total population

Females: 54.19% of the total population

Qatar (Highest rate of men in the World due to skilled expats being mostly male)

Males: 75% of the total population

Females: 25% of the total population

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What can Australia Learn?


Since 2011, when the first of the baby boomer generation turned 65, the population of the retirement age has increased significantly and the population of prime working age has started to fall.

In the budget, this causes a reduction in revenue, due to lower labour force participation, and an increase in spending. Australia therefore needs government programs that support older Australians.

Fun Fact! Argentina was the 10th wealthiest nation per capita in 1913.