Wealth in Argentina
Comparing Countries
The average income earned by Australians is 5 times the income earned in Argentina. The employment rate in Australia is also consistently higher than in Argentina.
Income per person on average is 17250.10 AU in Argentina.
Employment Rate:
Income per person on average is 86,000 AU in Australia
Employment Rate:
Employment Rates in Argentina & Australia
As can be seen in the graphs above, the employment rate in Australia is consistently higher than in Argentina. There appears to be a lot more fluctuation in Australia’s employment rate, mostly between 1884 and 1995. The different time-span on the two graphs may be a little misleading though.
Australia’s Wealth distribution
What Argentina can Learn from us About Wealth
In Argentina their minimum wage is only 15625 Argentine Pesos that translates to $330 AUD. Australia’s minimum wage is $740 AUD. Argentina should raise their minimum wage, not as high as Australia’s, but at least up to 25,000Pesos ($528 AUD)