Wealth in Argentina

Comparing Countries

The average income earned by Australians is 5 times the income earned in Argentina. The employment rate in Australia is also consistently higher than in Argentina.



Income per person on average is 17250.10 AU in Argentina.

Employment Rate:

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Income per person on average is 86,000 AU in Australia

Employment Rate:


Employment Rates in Argentina & Australia

Argentina Employment Rate

Argentina Employment Rate

Australian Employment Rate

Australian Employment Rate

As can be seen in the graphs above, the employment rate in Australia is consistently higher than in Argentina. There appears to be a lot more fluctuation in Australia’s employment rate, mostly between 1884 and 1995. The different time-span on the two graphs may be a little misleading though.

Australia’s Wealth distribution


What Argentina can Learn from us About Wealth

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In Argentina their minimum wage is only 15625 Argentine Pesos that translates to $330 AUD. Australia’s minimum wage is $740 AUD. Argentina should raise their minimum wage, not as high as Australia’s, but at least up to 25,000Pesos ($528 AUD)