Population Size, Density & Growth
Comparing Countries
How does this compare to Australia, China and its capital region; Buenos Aires?
Buenos Aires
11 200 000 People
0.6% growth rate
13 680 people/km2
25 000 000 people
1.6% growth rate
3.1 people/km2
1 393 000 000 people
%0.5 growth rate
153 peple/km2
Argentina’s population is nearly double Australia’s population, but 30 times smaller than China’s population, which isn’t surprising seeing as China’s population is equivalent to 18.47% of the total world population! Australia is catching up slowly with a growth rate that is about 3 times that of China and 1.6 times that of Argentina.
Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital has 11200 000 people, which is 24.88% of the total population of Argentina and its land area is so small, compared to the population of the rest of Argentina and their population.
Fun fact!
How Argentine Cities Compare to Australian Cities.
In Buenos Aires it is always busy and there are taller buildings, but in less populated provinces in Argentina e.g. Santa Fe; WA and their capitals, Rosario and Perth, population wise are similar.
Something Australia should do in the future
If there is ever an increase of population in Australia, we should make more apartments close to the cities to increase density like most cities do in Argentina.